Events & Advocacy

The Toronto Science Policy Network is a non-partisan student-run science policy group. We provide a space for members of the University of Toronto, and the local community, to learn about and engage in science and policy, via events and advocacy efforts. Learn more about our efforts below!



We invite experts to help build skills that scientists need to successfully engage in the science-policy interface.

Public Panels

In each panel, we invite three expert speakers and a moderator to discuss the science behind key policy topics.

TSPN Talks

In these informal talks, we invite scientists to share lessons learned from past research and science policy experiences.


Vote Science Campaign

On 8 August 2019, we co-launched the #VoteScience campaign: a national non-partisan effort to advocate for science in the 2019 federal elections. This was in collaboration with Evidence For Democracy and the Science & Policy Exchange.


Our work advocating for evidence informed decision making and support for graduate students, is an on-going effort. This includes letter writing campaigns to elected representatives and participating in government consultations.

COVID-19 Graduate Survey

TSPN launched a national bilingual survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of graduate students in Canada, including their graduate studies and career pathways.