Who is TSPN?

What does TSPN do?

Get Involved FAQ

Who can join TSPN?

How can I get involved?

What do your volunteers do?

Is there a mailing list?

I have an idea. Who should I speak to?

Events FAQ

Who can attend TSPN events?

Where can I register for an event?

Do I have to register to attend TSPN events?

How do I cancel my event registration?


Who is TSPN?
TSPN is a non-partisan student-run science policy group, based at the University of Toronto.

What does TSPN do?
We provide a platform for students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, staff and members of the local community to learn about and engage in science and policy, via events and advocacy efforts.

Get Involved FAQ

Who can join TSPN?
Anyone can join TSPN!
We welcome people from all academic divisions, alumni, and those from other intuitions. In order to run for an executive you must affiliated with the University of Toronto (e.g. as a student, faculty member, or alumni). Read about all the different TSPN memberships here.

How can I get involved?
Check out our Get Involved page to learn more about volunteering opportunities and available executive positions. We do all our event planning via Slack. Request access to our Slack group by emailing TSPN or by signing up here.

What do your volunteers do?
TSPN is entirely volunteer driven. Our volunteers help with planning and leading events and advocacy campaigns. Our volunteers also help write articles.

Is there a mailing list?
Yes, you can sign up for monthly newsletters here.

I have an idea. Who should I speak to?
Reach out to to.scipolicynetwork@gmail.com. We’re always excited to hear new ideas!

Events FAQ

Who can attend TSPN events?
Our events are open to all members of the local community, regardless of whether they are affiliated with the University of Toronto or not.

Where can I register for an event?
New TSPN events will be shared across our website and social media platforms. You can register for events via our Eventbrite page.

Do I have to register to attend your events?
Our events are free of charge, but in order for us to prepare, we ask all interested attendees to register beforehand.

How do I cancel my event registration?
You can cancel your event registration via Eventbrite or sending an email to us.

Have additional questions? Get in touch!